Friday, November 12, 2010

Webinar for the Dietitians in Healthcare Communities Nov 2010

The Dietitians in Health Care Communities will have on line learning opportunity on Celiac Disease Nov 30th. will have the info to register.  The outline for the talk is:

1)       Scope of Gluten-free and why we need to prepare our facilities.
2)       Why a vitamin supplement is indicated with gluten-free diets, even with good appetites.  
3)       Case study one:  suspect celiac disease and testing
a.       GI presentation
b.      Extraintestional presentation
4)       Present the 4- p’s for residential care: planning, product, production and promotion of competence
a.       Case study two: Gluten Free resident admitted
b.      Review the 8 steps to consider for foodservice excellence
c.       Review interdepartmental needs: religious, therapy, activities
5)       The Mature Celiac
a.       CMS regulations and interpretations
b.      Case Study for mental decline and resident rights

            Attendees will be able to:
1)       Identify at least three symptoms celiac disease may present when not controlled
2)       Will be able to inservice food-service at least three areas a gluten-free diet plan may have production cross-contamination
3)       Identify other departments that may impact gluten-free status other then food-service

Preparing gluten-free diets is a complex issue for our foodservice operations.  In addition, professionals, patients and family members may have differing philosophies that dietitians will have to address and help guide our facilities to assure compliance with our regulatory agencies.